This is the type of a painting that brings me such joy because this one definitely tells a story! Lauren’s fiancé, Matt, and her parents planned a surprise engagement party with family and friends. We all hid upstairs in her parents’ home while he proposed at the grand piano. He later re-enacted the proposal so that pictures could be taken in order for me to have a reference for doing an oil painting.
I must share with you the lovely way this proposal took place:
It was New Years Eve, so Matt took Lauren out to her favorite Italian restaurant. When they returned to Lauren's parent's house, Matt said he had written a new song for her on the piano, called "Fairytales." After the song, Matt presented Lauren with a "New Years" gift. She had not suspected anything at this point, because Matt had already written her two piano songs since they had been dating, and she had bought Matt a "New Years" gift as well (a new dog-tag style necklace)! When Lauren opened her present from Matt, she discovered it was a Bible. Written in small, gold, script lettering was her first and soon to be" last name" on the front. Bookmarked and highlighted was a passage from Ephesians 5 verses 25-31: "25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her...28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself... 31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." Inside Ephesians 5 was also a notecard with the words, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" In addition, there was a gorgeous round, 2+ carat diamond ring attached to the bookmark! At this point, Lauren had definitely realized what was happening, and with tears, she said "YES!" Little did Lauren know, her entire family was upstairs hiding. After Matt's proposal, he texted the family to come downstairs to celebrate Lauren and Matt's engagement that night.
This painting will always bring back the sweet memory of that very special night!!!
The Proposal by Jolene Kelm
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